
Level Level name Points Unlocks
1 Insignificant Wretch 0 - 300 -
2 Wretched Criminal 301 - 1.000 Production, Trade
3 Grim Goon 1.001 - 5.000 Battle (PvP)
4 Brutal Suppressor 5.001 - 15.000 Troll market, Inventory
5 Grasping Liege 15.001 - 40.000 Quests, Imp dealer, Shop, Soul dealer
6 Reprobate Ringleader 40.001 - 60.000 Marketplace, Contracts, Dungeons, Research
7 Unscrupulous Commandant 60.001 - 100.000 Daily Special, Maritimers, Construct / Upgrade buildings
8 Bloodthirsty Barbarian 100.001 - 150.000 Competition, Announcement, Successes, Trophy case, Find player
9 Wicked Prince 150.001 - 220.000 Beast master
10 Treacherous Commander 220.001 - 800.000 Guild
11 Brutish General 800.001 - 1.500.000 Labyrinth
12 Perfidious Sovereign 1.500.001 - 2.500.000 Thunderdome
13 Paranoid Potentate 2.500.001 - 4.500.000 Oracle
14 Aggressive Regent 4.500.001 - 7.500.000 -
15 Merciless Lord 7.500.001 - 15.000.000 -
16 Ruthless Autocrat 15.000.001 - 22.000.000 -
17 Fearsome Leader 22.000.001 - 30.000.000 -
18 Brutal Emperor 30.000.001 - 40.000.000 -
19 Demonic Tyrant 40.000.001 - 55.000.000 -
20 Merciless Dictator 55.000.001 - 70.000.000 -
21 Dark Overlord 70.000.000 - 100.000.000 -
22 Maniacal Despot 100.000.001 - 160.000.000 -
23 Oppressor of the Peoples 160.000.001 - 250.000.000 -
24 Insane Demigod 250.000.001 - 500.000.000 -
25 Deified Ruler of the World > 500.000.001 -

By reaching level 25 (Deified Ruler of the World) you receive the epic unit "Daughter of Rage" for your army.

